Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 16 - Caffeine Headaches!! :(

So, I've been diligent about cutting back on the coffee! No more than two cups and consumed before 11am. Then about 3pm rolls around and I get a headache! I'm drinking plenty of water, so hopefully it's just a matter of time until the headaches subside!?

I've been good about the fruits & veggies too! At least 1-2 servings with every meal and snack. For added flavor, I've been sprinkling cayenne pepper on my veggies. I've read that helps speed up metabolism and suppress appetite.

I can feel a cold coming on, so hopefully all the water and produce will help get through it quicker?!!

This weekend offers two different parties. I'm going to drink green tea before I go and decide ahead of time to make healthy choices. I am taking a side dish to one of the parties, so I will be sure to take plenty of fresh veggies!! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I had that too. I am on and off with coffee drinking. What I did was put away the coffee maker and then bring it out only on the weekends when I want to sit on the couch (or the deck) on early Saturday mornings with my cuppa joe.
