Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 19 - Made some GOOD changes!!

My Sunday Activities

One of the first things I did was go shopping for lots of fresh food! I threw out a bag of sugar and anything else in the cupboards, fridge & freezer that was high in calories, sugar or sodium. Yeah, kids!! How do you like me now?? They will SO thank me in the long run!! Right??

Then on to other changes...

It may not look like much of a change at first glance. But when I woke up yesterday morning, a 32" screen TV was where the flowers now are. In my bedroom, straight shot from my cozy bed. 
NO MORE-late night-TV watching-eating munchies-rolling over to go to sleep-only to wake up 
more tired than I was the night before-DAYS. 
It had to go. And I didn't relocate it to another room! It is OUT OF MY HOUSE FOR GOOD! 
(UGH, what an ugly dresser! I need a new one! You don't really look at something when there's a TV on it!)

Then I gave myself a test. I didn't drink coffee yesterday... I didn't have a headache either!! So, no more coffee! **I can't believe it either** A big part of the reason though is the creamer. I go through black coffee phases, but for the most part, my coffee involves creamer. So a third of my morning calories was dedicated to it. I could be using those calories for so much healthier things!

So I threw this away too!
Let's have a moment of silence.


  1. That is so cool. So what is your name, anyways, mystery motivator?

  2. Thanks for your great comments Cirklagirl! I feel the same way about how my behavior is "teaching" things to my daughter, despite what is coming out of my mouth! That's awesome that you're doing that Warrior Dash! You'll have to let me know how things go! ~Chris~
