Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 42 - Weigh-In Wednesday

Pounds I want to lose --- 100
Pounds down today ---  5
Total Pounds Lost --- 18
Pounds left to go --- 82

I did better than I thought I would, especially considering I had very very very little motivation over the weekend! I cleared off the DVR for starters! (In my living room because I got rid of the TV in my bedroom, remember?)  I caved and had a glass of wine on Saturday night. But then that lead to crappy sleep and I was wide awake at 4:30 on Sunday morning. One, I shouldn't have had it at all. Two, I could have had it earlier in the night so it wouldn't affect my sleep. Stupid wine. (It was tasty, just not so worth it!)

And once again, my weekends threw me off and I missed some lunches. I was really good with my water intake though! I can't believe how much I'm drinking now when just a short time ago it was making me gag! The lemon thing helped, but I don't always do that anymore!
I did have some successes...
I went to an awards banquet for work. It was at a restaurant I've never been to before and with it being a banquet, I didn't know if we would even have a choice. But when I walked in, I was handed the menu and asked to choose from 4 or 5 different beef, chicken or salmon plates. The salmon said it came with a garlic butter sauce and I asked if I could have it without. Sure thing! YAY! Then they asked, "Chocolate Cake or Cheesecake?" I said neither and the gal looked at me weird. "You don't want dessert?" I almost felt like saying, "A fat woman doesn't want dessert? Crazy, huh?" But I just said no thank you. The meal came with green beans, baked potato and rolls. So I had salmon and green beans for dinner! It was really super tasty and I didn't miss all the extras!

Last week, all the kids wanted to take turns on the "new" treadmill! That's fine with me!! My youngest spent a surprising amount of time on it. She comes out of the room all huffy and sweaty and my oldest daughter says, "Wow! Look at you! You're all sweaty!!" Youngest replies, "No, that's my fat cells crying!!" That's my girl!!! :)

....Onto another week!!!


  1. Wow, Chris. It's been a while since I stopped by so I wanted to say hi and WOW. You are losing way more than me and I thought that I was doing good! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks! I've been getting the eating down, I just need to step up the exercise!
