Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 29 - The Universe works in mysterious ways

So many End-Of-School-Year activities going on today and tomorrow, I'm working from home. I hit a lull and thought, "I really wish I had a treadmill." Because if the boss called and I was a mile away on a walk, that wouldn't work, right? So then I thought, "I'm going to post on Facebook, asking if anyone has a cheap treadmill they want to sell."

Before I had a chance, I continue working and I am asked to schedule a closing with a client. He has been out of his house for several months, but after we schedule it, he says he still has a treadmill in the house that he'd better get out. He's going to put in on online classfieds and sell it for cheap. How much do you want for it? I ask.

It's yours, thanks for your hard work.

Wished it this morning. In my room tonight.
I REALLY don't have any excuses now!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 28 - Weigh-In Wednesday

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds down today ---  3

Total Pounds Lost --- 8

Pounds left to go --- 92

Not as much I wanted. I really could have planned my holiday weekend better!!! So, even though I haven't completely finished it, I'm starting The Skinny Rules today!!!!! I had a lot of good stuff on hand already, so I had Greek yogurt with blueberries and Ezekiel toast for breakfast. I'm having apples & peanut butter for a morning snack and a tuna garbanzo salad for lunch. I brought the book to work with me to go through the dinner options and will stop at the store on the way home if needed. 
I'm going to stop anyway to find an older person version of Just Dance for the Xbox!! I've been doing Just Dance Kids with my children and that GUMMY BEAR SONG gets stuck in your head for hours!! AGH!!!

This is what I REALLY need!!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 27 - Had a great weekend

I got to visit with an out-of-town friend I don't get to see very often. We got together with her family and played games. It was so nice to break from the "norm" and do something fun and relaxing!!

Yesterday, I went with my entire family to take our kids on a train ride. *Not as relaxing* But hey! It was for the kids and I got a lot of walking in! (My feet are really hurting and I need a foot massage! Any takers??)

But Saturday.... it finally came!!! My copy of The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. I'm almost done reading it. I'm going to officially start when I've completed it. I want to make sure I have everything I need to get started!!! After reading through just a couple of chapters though, I headed to the kitchen and got rid of more stuff out of my cupboards!!

Child: "Why are the cupboards empty?"

Mom: "It's almost summer break. Time for new food!"

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 23 - I'm A Blessed Mama

I'm starting to reap the benefits of some of my changes. But changes I wasn't expecting. Yes, the scale is moving in the right direction and the jeans are baggy. But since taking the TV out of my bedroom and making the goal to prep for the work week on Sundays, my attention has been focused toward my children. 
**Where it should have been all along**

Instead of the children rummaging through the cupboards & fridge
They have been snacking on apples, pears, cucumbers, celery & carrots all week. We have a big jug with a spout in the fridge, making it easier to just drink cold water now. 

Instead of heading to my bedroom zone out
We eat dinner as a family... at the dinner table!! And I'm the last one to leave. My child looks at me strangely, "What are you doing?" I'm sitting, enjoying my children. "Okaaaaaaaay." They'll get used to it, right? Hopefully I'm not too late!!

Instead of heading to my bedroom zone out
I'm taking my youngest on walks, playing at the park, playing games and I'm giving her more of my undivided attention. It's made a difference with her attitude at school too!

Instead of heading to my bedroom zone out
I cleaned the kitchen last night. I look out the window. One child was mowing the lawn. I look around, another child cleaning. Why couldn't I get them to do their chores before?? DUH!!!

I'm a blessed Mama.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 21 - Weigh-In Wednesday

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds down today ---  2

Total Pounds Lost --- 5

Pounds left to go --- 95

After weighing in last Wednesday and only had lost 1 pound, it really kicked me into gear! So I weighed in last Friday excited for my new changes, but from now on I will keep it to only Wednesdays. So that means I've lost 4 pounds in the last week! If I had just been so determined when I started 3 weeks ago, I'd be down much more by now! But 5 pounds less is in the right direction.

I had another good day yesterday! After dinner, my oldest children had activities so I took my youngest to the park. Then while we were waiting to pick up one of the older children, we walked several blocks of a sidewalk chalk art festival. Getting 75% of my total pedometer steps in after 7pm!!

And my child is enjoying her mom's new-found energy.
We have a date tonight. A walk around the neighborhood 
then countless rounds of Ruckus.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 20 - Starting to feel great!!

Yesterday, I ate as planned and got all my water in! YAY! When I got home from work, I put the prepared foil salmon dinners on the bbq grill, giving me time for a walk around the block with my youngest.

So my Sunday work paid off for my eating, my exercise AND time with my children!

I'm still not up to 10,000 steps, but I got "weekend" steps on a work/school day!! So considering I sat at desk for 7 hours and in my vehicle for more than an hour, that's pretty good for me!
Without a TV in my bedroom, I got to sleep about 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual.
I've been wearing my walking shoes consistently. Because who knows when the opportunity to get a walk in will come up in my schedule?? I don't want to be stuck wearing flip flops!!

Oh!! And I haven't mentioned that my jeans feel very baggy today! Because they do! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 19 - Made some GOOD changes!!

My Sunday Activities

One of the first things I did was go shopping for lots of fresh food! I threw out a bag of sugar and anything else in the cupboards, fridge & freezer that was high in calories, sugar or sodium. Yeah, kids!! How do you like me now?? They will SO thank me in the long run!! Right??

Then on to other changes...

It may not look like much of a change at first glance. But when I woke up yesterday morning, a 32" screen TV was where the flowers now are. In my bedroom, straight shot from my cozy bed. 
NO MORE-late night-TV watching-eating munchies-rolling over to go to sleep-only to wake up 
more tired than I was the night before-DAYS. 
It had to go. And I didn't relocate it to another room! It is OUT OF MY HOUSE FOR GOOD! 
(UGH, what an ugly dresser! I need a new one! You don't really look at something when there's a TV on it!)

Then I gave myself a test. I didn't drink coffee yesterday... I didn't have a headache either!! So, no more coffee! **I can't believe it either** A big part of the reason though is the creamer. I go through black coffee phases, but for the most part, my coffee involves creamer. So a third of my morning calories was dedicated to it. I could be using those calories for so much healthier things!

So I threw this away too!
Let's have a moment of silence.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 18 - Weigh-in & Aha! Moment

I weighed in again today...

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds down today ---  2

Total Pounds Lost --- 3

Pounds left to go --- 97

So it hit me. I'm making all of these little changes and DUH!! I'm not going to reach my goals this way. Yesterday, I had two events I was invited to. One was an annual crawfish boil I was really looking forward to. The other was a wedding of a family member of my ex. I was feeling obligated to go to the wedding, but only for my daughter. I was trying to plan my jammed packed day, but it started eating me up! If my ex really wanted our daughter to be part of his family events, he can go to the effort of taking her. I have always been an enabler and I need to knock it off!!
I went to the crawfish boil and stayed. And I had a good time. A big part of me felt so relieved that I didn't do what I was expected to do. It's the small part of me that felt guilt that made me mad. I need to be selfish! Selfish in the way that makes me a happier and healthier person!

Sunday is the perfect day for me to implement changes. Major changes. 

To be continued...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 16 - Caffeine Headaches!! :(

So, I've been diligent about cutting back on the coffee! No more than two cups and consumed before 11am. Then about 3pm rolls around and I get a headache! I'm drinking plenty of water, so hopefully it's just a matter of time until the headaches subside!?

I've been good about the fruits & veggies too! At least 1-2 servings with every meal and snack. For added flavor, I've been sprinkling cayenne pepper on my veggies. I've read that helps speed up metabolism and suppress appetite.

I can feel a cold coming on, so hopefully all the water and produce will help get through it quicker?!!

This weekend offers two different parties. I'm going to drink green tea before I go and decide ahead of time to make healthy choices. I am taking a side dish to one of the parties, so I will be sure to take plenty of fresh veggies!! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 14 - I got on the scale....

I got batteries for my scale, so check mark that off my weekly goal list!! :)

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds I've lost *sigh* ---  1

Pounds left to go --- 99

I've lost weight before, I know how to do it.... but then I put it all back on. So one pound doesn't seem like a huge victory for me, but as I started thinking about how I did it last time, I had a six-month goal and NOTHING beyond that. My good eating habits and weight loss extended beyond the six months, but when I saw a donut or an onion ring or cheesy tater tots, I was all, "I've been SO good for the last year, I can have just ONE!" But then that way of thinking lead to another temptation and another temptation.... which lead to stop counting calories, skipping meals, eating fast food and getting fat again.

So I'm working on ME first this time. I've heard season after season of watching The Biggest Loser that there is something deeper behind the weight gain. I need to figure that out during this journey too! I have an idea, but I really don't want to give it validation. And as the last season of show emphasized, NO EXCUSES! I don't want my "why" to be my excuse!

One pound is closer to the new me that I deserve to be and that my children deserve to have as a mom. The old me comes with no energy, enthusiasm... or respect. That's not a good role model for the teenage years!! They're hard enough without a screwed up mom!!

One pound lost, one ounce of self-respect gained.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 13 - A little bit of redemption

So even if my last relationship was beyond toxic, we still have a daughter together. Knowing that I had a less than eventful Mother's Day, my ex invited me & the kids over for dinner last night. He grilled steak & veggies... Zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, onions... Mmmmm much better than the slab of meatloaf & 3 1/2 beans I had the night before! Then I was just going to drink water and he brings out an ice cold Hefeweizen in a chilled glass with a big beautiful slice of orange!! And he gave me a big bouquet of flowers. It's amazing that it takes breaking up with someone for them to think of nice things to do for you!! (This is a man who will only do things out of sheer economic necessity!)

No, Hefeweizen is not a part of my diet. But the emotional boost is enough to make me want to exercise it off today! :)

Thank you Mr. Ex

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 12 - Need some tweaking

Last week, I became very irritable. I had just recently pulled myself out of a funk and I felt like I was slipping there again. I couldn't let that happen! I went and checked my daughter out of school on Thursday and we volunteered at a homeless shelter. She always associated homelessness with "Hobos" and was amazed that children lived there. She also didn't understand why they couldn't just go live with family. If she lost her place to live, she would have a list of about 50 family members to call and ask for a place to stay. I tried explaining several factors, an obvious one like no family to turn to, but also deeper ones, such as pride and it wasn't sinking in. We will have to go again very soon!!

On Saturday, I had a reminder in my phone for a Fair that I thought it would be fun to take the kids to. They all had plans. Am I there already?? They're still young! *Sigh*

On Sunday, I didn't sleep well and felt horrible, but I went to church to listen to my kidlets sing me Mother's Day songs. Then I did nothing. Because I felt like doing nothing. But when I felt myself starting to doze off in front of the tv, I got up & cleaned my bedroom. After a recent move, my bedroom has been the most neglected. Stacked boxes everywhere, clothes still in suitcases. But hey, if I haven't taken the time to dig it out by now, I don't really need it. Right?? I threw away a lot of stuff. I'm starting to feel my "oasis" coming back.

I reluctantly went to my parents' for dinner. Not only does my dad not cook the healthiest food, I really wasn't in the mood to hang out with family. They play into that irritable mood I've become so accustomed to. I was the last one to show up, pleased to see my out-of-town brother (unexpected) and less than thrilled with the slice of meatloaf and 3 1/2 beans left. Mmmmmm! Happy Mother's Day! I was then bestowed with flowers, cards and *chocolate* I'm thinking next year needs a little bit more of my involvement & input. Yeah.

My goals for this week are:

* Cut down on coffee consumption, including no coffee after 11am. (I can drink it all day long!!!)
* Try Green Tea - (2) 16 oz bottles per day
* 6-8 servings of fruits/veggies daily

* File and clean off my desk
* Work on a new operations manual

* Buy new batteries for my scale!

Come on!! I can do this!! I'm only on day 12 and they say it takes 21 days to make a habit. NO MORE FUNKS!! Stick with me people! I need the accountability to keep me motivated!! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 6 - Pedometer

The layout of my home lends it's way to a continuous circle, a "Kid-Track" if you will. My youngest child was running laps when we almost collided. I looked down to see she was holding a pedometer. I put my hand to my waist and nothing was there. I said, "That's Mommy's, it must have fallen off!" She replies, "I know! I got you more points!!!"

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 5 - Baby Steps


Income Goal Action: I set-up automatic transfers from checking into savings. I will track it to see if it's enough or if I need to adjust the amount.

Weight Goal Action: I've been using the My Fitness Pal app to track my calories. It counts down, so I know when it's time to stop! I grocery shopped for the whole week, using 2 different stores. So I thought it was a great walking day using my pedometer and I was only at 8,000 steps!! How do people get in 10,000??? It doesn't help that I sit in my vehicle for an hour a day and at a desk for 7-8 hours! (Suggestions welcomed!) For dinner last night, I made chicken, shrimp & asparagus on the bbq grill! **With NO HOLLANDAISE** I used lemon, aren't you proud?? :)

Relationship Goal Action: One kiddo was absentee for the weekend, so the rest of us had tv/slumber party night Friday. Saturday, we did chores & played Guitar Hero. I can't figure out that guitar to save my life. So I sing. I sing badly, but I sing. My best was an 86%!! Wahoo! (Daughter is a 98% and pats my back, "Good job, mom!") HA!! All 3 were gone on Sunday, which gave me time to get my house in order. That always feels nice and will allow me to spend more time with them on weekday school nights!

Time-Off Goal Action: I let my boss know of my goal, of both time-off and income. She knows I am committed to my job and wants to work with me to achieve my goals.

Health Goal Action: That drinking plain water thing is hard!! I didn't get to 8 glasses over the weekend. I reached about 6 or 7. So I have looked up ways to reach my goal with things other than plain water. We'll see how it goes! (Suggestions welcomed!)

So there are definitely things I need to work on. I feel I need to step it up (pun intended) on walking, water consumption and kid time. What I should do is get a new dancing game! I dance, kids get a good laugh, then I drink water to prevent from dying!!! (That works, right??)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 2 - Water

Is it just me or is water nasty when you're not used to drinking it every day? I'm up to 36 ounces and I want to puke! I need to get a Brita water pitcher or something!!

Day 2 - My Goals


My current income: Pays the bills, not much else.
What I want my income to be: Savings for emergencies, not relying on credit cards, personal loans, etc.
GOAL: Set-up automatic transfers every payday from checking into savings that will equal roughly 5%.

My current weight: 100 pounds over.
What I want my weight to be: 100 pounds less.
GOAL: Use the My Fitness Pal app I downloaded on my phone to track calories.

My current relationships: Men, toxic. Children, I'm less attentive than I want to be & only putting out fires.
What I want my relationships to be: Men, I need to be completely alone to work on me. No more hanging on. Children, more uninterrupted concentrated time with them.
GOAL: Spend 15-20 minutes each night outside with my children, whether it be playing with a ball, going for a walk or having dinner picnic-style. 

My current time off: None. (Business trips are not vacations!)
What I want my time off to be: 2 weeks per year for "me" time and vacations.
GOAL: Make daily checklists and time-block tasks in order of importance; avoid interruptions by not answering calls or responding to emails until the most important tasks are complete.

My current health: Poor.
What I want my health to be: Higher energy, lower blood pressure and lower weight.
GOAL: Drink 8 glasses of water daily.

So, not only did I download the My Fitness Pal app, I got a pedometer. That will show me how (little) I'm moving around. I have "Secretary Spread" from sitting at my desk all day. Time to use the restroom on the 3rd floor!!! This My Fitness Pal app is really cool! You can scan a barcode and TADA!! All the nutritional info recorded, you just have to adjust the portions. Yes, I went around my kitchen scanning things.... it even recognized some store brand items and a Tootsie Pop!! HA! Okay, enough playing! Back to business!!

I did my official weigh-in this morning, so future posts will have "Pounds To Go!"

On the downside, I was feeling irritated and depressed last night. I just wanted the kids to put themselves to bed & I ordered pizza. This is not going to be easy!! But I know it will be worth it!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 1 - It's Time To Change!!

After a miserable 2012 start and tired of being unhappy, I got the brilliant idea for 365 days to change my life. That's slow & steady, right? I've been going over in my mind how I would start the blog out, but by starting it, that would mean that the 365 day clock is ticking...  I would have to actually begin my change! You mean I have to really change?!? Change is scary!! CRAP!! What was I thinking?? I'm content being mediocre. I'm content being fat. I'm content moving from day to day looking forward to a glass of wine and bedtime. Why can't my kids just make their own dinner and put themselves to bed around 7:00, 7:30? Is that too much to ask??

So my friend asks me, "What is happiness? Is it an ideal, an idea, a dream? Is there such a thing?"

The 'Half-Full' side of me comes out and replies, "Happiness is letting go of the things we cannot change and taking control of the things we can."

Look at me and my RAH-RAH response!!! I've been to plenty of those seminars, I simply just don't practice what I preach. Okay so,

Things I am going to change in the next 365 days: 
Income; Weight; Relationships; Time Off; and Health.

My current income: Pays the bills, not much else.
What I want my income to be: Savings for emergencies, not relying on credit cards, personal loans, etc.

My current weight: 100 pounds over.
What I want my weight to be: 100 pounds less.

My current relationships: Men, toxic. Children, I'm less attentive than I want to be & only putting out fires.
What I want my relationships to be: Men, I need to be completely alone to work on me. No more hanging on. Children, more uninterrupted concentrated time with them.

My current time off: None. (Business trips are not vacations!)
What I want my time off to be: 2 weeks per year for "me" time and vacations.

My current health: Poor.
What I want my health to be: Higher energy, lower blood pressure and lower weight.

What do I need to give up and change in order to get what I want??

That will be the next post.