Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 98 - Weigh-In Wednesday

Pounds I want to lose --- 100
Pounds down today ---  1
Total Pounds Lost --- 25
Pounds left to go --- 75

It's ONE! That's better than NONE!! And besides, I'm feeling stronger! On my first day at the gym, the trainer had me stand up from the bench and do an overhead barbell lift, then sit back down... without using my hands to push. :/ I could barely get my ass off the bench!! I would lean forward just to get the umph! to get up!! He would come stand right in front of me and instruct me NOT to bump him on the way up. Seriously?? So yesterday, he had me do the same thing again. I stood straight up. He cheered, "Now THAT'S how you're supposed to do it!!" YAY!

Besides having to put my ex in his place on Saturday night, (big sigh) I had a really good weekend! I went to a little local bistro to pick up a really yummy spinach strawberry salad they have. But when I got there, I thought, "Why not stay?" I had no kids with me, why sit at home and eat all alone? It was very nice! Then I did something I have NEVER done before... I went to a movie by myself! Despite the grammar snob part of me screaming on the inside, I saw "People Like Us." (If you don't know what's wrong with it, don't worry. You're not a grammar snob and you won't mind. Thanks mom!) Yes, I cried and was very reserved about it, being alone in a theater and all. But I am SO glad I saw it there and not home alone. I probably would've been a wreck afterward!!

As far as my goals are going... 

My first one was to quit weighing in every day - DONE! I weighed in on Sunday and it wasn't even that satisfying. I'm thinking I'll just limit it to Wednesdays!

Second was to walk with my daughter - DONE! But now my poor baby is getting her tonsils out. That will be on the shelf for a couple of weeks.

Third was to write a book - DONE! Yes, I said done! I was going to give myself a couple of months to work on it, but I must have really just needed to get that out of me! So not only is it done, I'm published. (bowing) Thank you! Thank you!

Fourth was to work on my office - - Does having the book done make up for this? :) I DID get my home computer diagnosed. It's dead. So I will be working on my laptop from home during my daughter's recovery. Office clutter can wait... I'm a MOM first!!

Popsicle Party!! My House!! Every night for the next 10 to 14 days!!

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