Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 14 - I got on the scale....

I got batteries for my scale, so check mark that off my weekly goal list!! :)

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds I've lost *sigh* ---  1

Pounds left to go --- 99

I've lost weight before, I know how to do it.... but then I put it all back on. So one pound doesn't seem like a huge victory for me, but as I started thinking about how I did it last time, I had a six-month goal and NOTHING beyond that. My good eating habits and weight loss extended beyond the six months, but when I saw a donut or an onion ring or cheesy tater tots, I was all, "I've been SO good for the last year, I can have just ONE!" But then that way of thinking lead to another temptation and another temptation.... which lead to stop counting calories, skipping meals, eating fast food and getting fat again.

So I'm working on ME first this time. I've heard season after season of watching The Biggest Loser that there is something deeper behind the weight gain. I need to figure that out during this journey too! I have an idea, but I really don't want to give it validation. And as the last season of show emphasized, NO EXCUSES! I don't want my "why" to be my excuse!

One pound is closer to the new me that I deserve to be and that my children deserve to have as a mom. The old me comes with no energy, enthusiasm... or respect. That's not a good role model for the teenage years!! They're hard enough without a screwed up mom!!

One pound lost, one ounce of self-respect gained.


  1. Hi there,

    I found your site yesterday (not sure how or where) but you intrigued me. I was thinking of you and how bold you were to create a blog and start losing weight publicly for the world. Then I read today's note and it said you lost one pound. I must admit, I was a little crushed. Please keep going. This is a very brave thing that you are doing and I just wanted you to know that there is someone out here paying attention and who cares if you make it. I started South Beach on Monday (2 days ago) after realizing that I have been faithfully going to the gym for about four months now, three times a week, and my weight was right back where I started this morning when I stepped on the scale. Very frustrating. I have to admit, though, that I was being good about working out, but I wasn't doing squat as far as what I was putting into my body. Apparently, that makes a difference! :)

    Anyways, keep going. I know it can be frustrating some days, but we are with you.

  2. Thank you so much for your message Cirklagil!! It really made this thing real for me and I am definitely going to kick it into gear!! I wish you the motivation to continue on your own journey and hope that my future posts will be more inspiring! :)

  3. I was thinking about you yesterday and realized that I had not gone back on here to check on your progress for a few days after writing that. I am back and will read on to catch up on how things are going!
