Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 28 - Weigh-In Wednesday

Pounds I want to lose --- 100

Pounds down today ---  3

Total Pounds Lost --- 8

Pounds left to go --- 92

Not as much I wanted. I really could have planned my holiday weekend better!!! So, even though I haven't completely finished it, I'm starting The Skinny Rules today!!!!! I had a lot of good stuff on hand already, so I had Greek yogurt with blueberries and Ezekiel toast for breakfast. I'm having apples & peanut butter for a morning snack and a tuna garbanzo salad for lunch. I brought the book to work with me to go through the dinner options and will stop at the store on the way home if needed. 
I'm going to stop anyway to find an older person version of Just Dance for the Xbox!! I've been doing Just Dance Kids with my children and that GUMMY BEAR SONG gets stuck in your head for hours!! AGH!!!

This is what I REALLY need!!!!!


  1. Way to go, Chris! I have not heard of The Skinny Rules... too bad they don't have Wii Fit for the xBox, but then that would kinda defeat the purpose of them being competitors in the gaming industry! lol...

  2. I really like Bob's style of training and Jillian would scare me into it. So even though that's what I need, I'd probably choose Bob! :-)
